
Folklike Friday

Yes "folklike" is a word! I am going to start having Folklike Friday from this day on. It is going to be the day where I recap my week, and take a moment and just be thankful. I have been given so many lovely opportunities lately. Through these opportunities I have developed a lot of beautiful friendships. I am continuously grateful and happy to make people happy with the photos I take of them. I am always pushing myself to see things differently then one may with my pictures. I want to continue to tell stories, and make you feel like you have known that person for years when you see the photos.
Today I finally got to pick up the new volume of Kinfolk. I swoon every time there is a new issue out. One day I would love to be published in their beautiful coffee table book. I know that I will have these volumes forever. There is something so raw and beautiful about everything they put into these, and that in itself draws me too them. 
This issue in particular focuses on stepping back from your everyday busy lifestyle, and just relaxing. Cutting yourself off from the virtual world is something I think we all should do one day out of the week/weekend. By that I also mean actually picking up a book or magazine to read something, and not your kindle or iPad. I think I may try this myself..I need to read more. I have a lot I need/want to learn.
Also I haven't been to my favorite coffee place in a while, and today I decided it was time. I have been running around shooting, and then editing nonstop....(again completely thankful!) Today I got paid for my first real job that I have been apart of for about a month. It felt so good to put money in the bank. Hard work does pay off. 

Anyways I sat at Bakeri and just breathed in and out...Much needed after a very hectic past couple weeks. It was a beautiful overcast/SUNNY day. The fall air is finally here, and I couldn't be more ready. As I drank my #dailycortado and devoured my favorite peanut chocolate chip cookie I couldn't help but think how blessed I am. I have a beautiful/supportive mom that I miss dearly, and a lot of lovely new NY friends that have helped me thus far in my career. Not to mention those who are reading this right now. Thank you for taking the time to click my link and read my rambling words. I tend to talk in circles...if you haven't noticed already;) I am smiling more and breathing more. A lot of good vibes happening , and I am determined to make those vibes continue. 
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and remember to actually relax a little! Sending good vibes to all:)

